If you observe an infant, you will see a good deal of toddler yoga. A sleeping baby inadvertently strikes the 'Chinmudra' where the thumb and index finger touch. A six month old baby is frequently found on its back in Bhujangasana (cobra posture). While Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog pose) is a perennial favourite with children.
At World of Yoga, we have been conducting specialized Childrens Yoga classes around the year for over one and a half decade. These classes are designed specially keeping the psyche of children in mind; training in yogic techniques is accompanied with imparting theoretical knowledge of the science to children. Workshops, games, stories, etc.. are used to ensure that the atmosphere is full of creativity, positive energy, fun and learning.
Yoga classes for children in Goa how to strengthen their bodies, improve their immune system, as well as learn the art of focus and concentration. This helps improve their performance at their academics, as well as sports and other extra curriculas. Also Pranayama for children greatly helps in curing ailments such as sinusitis, headaches, asthama, sleeplessness, allergies, etc. We also teach children some initial exercises in meditation. This brings down their restlessness, and improves memory and overall intellectual productivity.