In a highly competitive world today, Stress in the workplace can lower the productivity, reduce employee moral, and lead to various psychosomatic ailments. Yoga Stress Management Program principally teach you how to relax and de-stress both, physically and mentally.
Various yogic techniques...postures, breath control exercises, meditational techniques..alleviate and curb stress related problems; including depression, sleeplessness, anxiety disorders, headaches, body pains, low energy levels, or inability to focus on ones work etc.
Yogic techniques encourage mental and physical relaxation, which help reduce stress and anxiety. Asanas or physical postures promote flexibility, relieve tension, and alleviate pain. Yoga poses may help you release physical blockages like muscle knots, helping release emotions and tension. They also promote the release of mood-boosting endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones that can positively affect how you handle stress.
Pranayama or yogic breathing techniques positively effect the blood circulation, endocrinal system & nervous system. This has far reaching effects on the longevity, immunity & natural repair process in the human body.